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Nu har fabriksförsäljningen i det blå tältet i Tingsryd öppnat för säsongen. Varmt välkomna!

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Vår servis är tillverkad biobaserad plast som utvunnits från sockerrör.

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En ny lösning för insamling av matavfall! SmartStore™ Collect Biowaste är en snygg behållare på 5 L som är designad för att kunna lämnas framme på köksbänken.

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Växter och blommor skapar en trevlig atmosfär i hemmet. De är inte bara vackra att titta på, de kan även hjälpa till att rena luften, öka luftfuktigheten, och minska stress.Läs mer här

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When we have a good overlook of what we have at home, we can use fresh food and avoid wasting more food than necessary. Besides, an organized fridge gives a far more calm and pleasant impression when ...
Even a small balcony space can instantly turn into a green oasis when you decorate it with stylish looking plants 🌻Or why not try planting a crunchy salad, which on summer mornings you can easily p...
Are you growing your own vegetables this summer? 🍅 Juicy tomatoes, crispy lettuce and sun-warm cucumbers that are just waiting to be picked and turned into a delicious sallad. Remember to rinse you...
In 1870, German scientist Dr. Emil von Wolff accidentally misplaced a decimal point when recording the iron content of spinach. As a result, spinach appeared to contain ten times more iron than it act...
The dry food keepers in the SmartStore™ Vision series make it easier to keep the kitchen cupboard organised as nuts, cereals and pasta all get their own place. The cupboard immediately looks tidier...
Have you tried growing forced rhubarbs? 👀 Forced rhubarb refers to the practice of growing rhubarb in dark, warm conditions to encourage early growth and tender, pink stalks. Place a bin or bucket ...
Add more greens to your cooking 🥕 Shredded carrots can be added to a lasagna, pasta sauce or stew to make it juicier and more tasty. Perfect for sneaking vegetables into the food without your kids ...
Spring time is picnic time! ☀️ Fill a basket with good food and drinks, and don’t forget napkins and a blanket to sit on. Enjoy nature but leave no trace behind, all trash should be brought back...
Get your patio ready for summer! 🌞 - Clean and declutter to get rid of debris and dust that may have gathered during the winter 🧹 - Check your patio furniture, umbrellas, and other outdoor acce...
Living in a small home means that you'll have to be more creative when it comes to furnishing, as well as a bit more ruthless regarding what to let into your home. Multi-use furniture is the key to ma...


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